Best Practice Wazifa For marriage

wazifa for marriage

These are the best wazifa for marriage problem solution such as marriage proposals,marriage soon,early marriage,successful marriage,quick marriage,arranged marriage,second marriage and removing all kind of hurdles in marriage.

The quick marriage solution is to recite sura rahman each day for 11 times in such a way that when word”fabeayeala e rabbe ka ma tukazeban” shall be read repeatedly for 21 times ,and during this wazeefa one shall stay clean and shall say his/her prayers 5 times a day and read the protection verses for best results.

wazifa for marriage 

wazifa for marriage proposal:

If some one is having trouble in getting married and is finding no suitable match then no worries do this powerful wazifa to get married quickly ,take a golden paper with white front and on sunday or thursday in the hour of moon right surah al-fatih on it with saffron and rose recite the same surah for 141 times and blow it on paper and tie it to your right arm for beat rsults.

wazifa for marriage proposal

vazeefa for marriage soon:

If some one wants to get married soon and remove the obstacles coming in the way shall preform the following ,read surah muzamil for 7 times after each prayer for a week,just keeping your goal in mind and realizing  that all the problems will vanish and belive and strong will is key to the success.

vazeefa for marriage soon

wazifa for early marriage:

This is a famous remedy for an early marriage and if the relationship is not working well and a marriage has been done in early age.take a piece of white cloth and infuse it with smell or rose write sura hadeed on it with a red marker and read same on it for 313 times ,now rub it on your body over the clothes and burn it ,do this for a week and every thing will be fine.

vazeefa for marriage soon

vazeefa for quick marriage:

Here is a golden vazeefa for quick marriage,get 3 eggs from a black hen,shall be pure black and write write surah kosar in the numerical way in the fire element,now write the name and name of the person who wants to marry and bury it in sand in a clay pot and put it on fire for three throw it in the well and your desired results will be there.

wazeefa for quick marriage

best wazifa for marriage:

The most result oriented and old arabic vazefa for marriage is to read gods own personal name”isme-zaat” for 5000 times after each prayer and you will be surprised to see that how spiritual help comes your way.but you have to be clean and wear clean clothes and say your prayers regularly for the results to be there.many people have done this with successful results,at least do it for 41 days.

best wazifa for marriage

king wazifa for arranged marriage:

This is called the king because it is more powerful than any other wazifa and plus it works for both love and arranged marriage.for this pourpose a group of people sits together in a room with a clean atmosphere and a pleasant incense shall be burning which shall facilitate the process of positive you have to read the ayat kareema for 125000 times in one sitting and by doing this your desired wish will come true.

king wazifa for arranged marriage

wazifa for removing hurdles in marriage:

Today many people faces hurdles in marriage ,to remove these problems if the last verses of surah baqarah are recited for 11 times after each prayer all sort of problems and hurdles will be eliminated by an unseen force.

wazifa for removing hurdles in marriage

islamic wazefa for marriage:

This is the best practice if some one can afford umrah,when he reaches to kabbah and his first sees it pray for his/her marriage and send drouaud to the prophet and recite surah fatiha 7 times and surah qul for 11 times then 7 salams from the doubt his wish will come true very soon.

islamic wazefa for marriage

roohani wazifa for marriage:

At night choose a separate room for your enchantment and prepare it as it makes you feel comfortable and fully relaxed,now sit in yoga position and close  your eyes and breath from your nose keeping your mouth shut for 10 mins this will make all your thoughts of the day go away,now concentrate on your subject inhaling word Allah inside and imagine it glowing on your heart,just do this for few days and see the results.

roohani wazifa for marriage

wazeefa for second marriage:

If some one is looking for second marriage then he shall first take permission from his first wife and shall see that if he can give both of them equal rights then do this wazifa for success in marriage,reciting surah muzammil 101 times daily will bring him good luck and fortune in marriage.

wazeefa for second marriage