These are carefully selected best wazifa for husband love,husband and wife relationship,husband to come back,make husband love with wife,these are most powerful wazifa and are very effective and result oriented.
wazifa for husband love:
If a woman wants that her husband shall love her and does not seek other girls she shall take 7 cinnamons and recite surah hasher’s last three verses 21 times on each and then keep them in her mouth while she sleeps .next day give them to her husband in some food or drink and she will get the desired results.
1.wazifa for husband and wife relationship
To make the relationship strong and pleasurable between both the partners this wazefa is very much result oriented and fast working,take the hair of both husband and wife and make a thread of both of them ,now recite surah zilzal saying the names of the both persons and tie 7 knots,when done throw them in running water.
2.wazifa for love between husband wife:
To grow the love between husband wife take a piece of used cloth of both of them and soak it in sandal wood oil,then leave it to get on sunday in first hour of sunrise read surah anfals first 10 ayats and blow them on each of them ,now tie both the pieces of cloth with a pink string and tie them to a fruitful tree where it moves freely with the wind.
3.powerful wazifa for husband love:
The most powerful and fast working remedy is that one shall preform this on thursday in hour of venus and prepare all the things befor that,the things you need are black pepper seeds about 41,coals and some good incense for when the above said time comes sit in a quiet place with targets picture in front and recite surah ahad on each seed and burn on coals or fire to achive your desired goal.
4.easy vazeefa for wife husband love:
An easy way to make each other love is that make a sweet dish topped with saffron and read 99 names of Allah on it 7 times and each time you read blow it on the sweet dish you have made,now both the partners eat it for outstanding love and relationship.
5.urdu wazeefa for love and relationship:
Take the first four letters from urdu chart of moon which are buduho and recite it as ‘ya -budoho’keeping in mind what do you want and do it with full concentration so it brings results,now you have to recite it for 3100 times each day at same place keeping same time.remember not to do sex during the complete ritual of 40 days,it is a very powerful and fast working wazifa for relationship.

6.wazifa for husband to come back:
If you have lost your husband and he is not accepting you then do the following vazeefa and he will be back with you.after you have said your zohar prayers light the incense of rose or lavender and recite sura fatiha loud so you can hear it,now where the word “ayea ka nabodo wa eya ka nastaen”come repeat it for 101 time and read the surah for 11 times like this,in 2 to 3 weeks you will hear some good news. wazifa for husband:
The best way to get place in his heart is by doing this vazeefa on the 13th of each month when it is full moon .take a bowl of rose water and add some saffron and sandal oil in it,now as you stir the water read this name of Allah ”ALLAH HUSA MAD”for 1000 times and keep on stirring the water until you have finished reading it ,now daily give some of this water to your husband in such a proportion that it shall last for 7 days.
8.wazifa to make husband love with wife:
In order to make husband love her wife more than any one ,the wife shall take shower in a tub and save the water .now collect that water in a bottle and keep it until you find the new moon .now mix some good incense in it and recite surah ahad for 1100 times on that water but after each 100 times say your desired wish and blow it on the water and give it to your husband and he will start loving you more than anything in life.
9.wazifa husband wife love knot:
To tie a love knot between husband and wife get a red string and measure it according to the height of the target person and now get 7 strings of same size and make a single thread out of it.after that read ”surah muzamil ”for 41 times and tie a knot for your desired result,and repeat this for 41 times means same no of knots.then burn that thread and collect its ash and give him in tea or coffee.
10.quick husband love wazeefa:
Quick and effective formula is that wife shall cut all of her 20 nails ,hair from her under arms,and her pubic hair .now burn it and get its ash and mix some menstrual blood and give it to him ,its a quick way of getting all his attention.
11.qurani wazifa to bring husband back:
The best way is to pray to Allah and do this vazeefa for getting your husband back.say your prayers regularly and reading ”ya hayu ya qauom be rehmateka istagees” as much as you can as our beloved prophet used to do when there was some trouble or a problem ,so if we fallow him this is the best qurani wazifa for getting him back.
wazifa to make husband loyal:
The best and a very easy way to make your husband loyal is to recite durood while cooking food for him and giving to poor on each thursday,and keep praying for his success and happiness best proven tested wazifa husband love.