Out standing Wazaif For Rizq
قرض سے نجات
1.wazifa to get rid of loan:
agr koi shks maqroz ho geya ho aor Qarz otarna mushkil ho geya ho to isy caheya kay har rooz bahd namaz e fajjar Awwal wa Aakhir teen teen (3) baar dorood e Ibrahemi ya jo yaad ho parhay aor darmeyaan main Surah AN’NASR ( سورۃ النصر ) ( 41 ) baar parh kar dam karay Insa’Allah tahala Qarz say foran Nijaat mil jahay ge.ye wazifa for rizq ha.
:To get rid of loan recite sura nasar 41 times after fajar prayer ,its the best wazaif to get rid of loan and read duroodsharif before and after the amal .His loan will be paid off by some means.
2.wazifa for Wealth
Jis ki rozi tang ho aor muskil say guzara hota ho wo ya kalimaat rozana bawudu ( 101 ) martaba parh liya karay – ya Amal 11 rooz karay insa’Allah tahala Rizq main barkat ho ge ,
اللھم تب علینا قبل الموت وھون علینا شدۃ الموت وارخنا عند الموت ولا تعذبنا یا خالق الحیوۃ والموت توفنا مسلمین والحقنا بالصلحین
:If some body has no way of earning and no body is there to help him/her out then he shall preform the following wazaif 101 times for 11 days ,he will find some way for wealth spiritually.

برائے ترقی تنخواہ
3.wazifa for increase in salary :
rozana har namaz kay bahd aek tasbeeh ( 100 ) martaba ( Bismillah hir rahma nir raheem ) بسم اللہ الرحمن الرحیم ki pabandi kay saath parhy – Insa’Allah bohot jald Aamdni main ezafa ho ga aor jo dili khwahis ho ge wo pori ho ge.
:To have an increase in salary or get promotion and control your boss this wazeefa of bissmillah which you have to recite till your desired result is achieved ,after ay prayer one can select recite bissmillah for 100 times after each prayer .its very effective and simple.

امیر کبیر ہو جانا
4.wazifa to Get rich and Famous:
Bawaqt tolohe Aftaab (Soraj nikalnay kay waqt ) awwal 300 baar dorood shareef parhay namaz main jo dorood parha jata hey wo afzal hey warna jo dorood yaad ho parhay is kay bahd 300 martaba ( بسم اللہ الرحمن الرحیم ) parhay aor rozana parhta rahay Insa’Allah tahala aek saal kay andar ameer kabeer aor intehahi maal daar ho jahy ga
ہدایات – Hedayaat – Agr Qabal toloh e aftaab gusal ki Hajat peesh aa jahay to Qabal toloh e aftaab Gusal kar lena zarori hey warna asraat zahel ho jahay gain .
:To get rich and famous one should do this wazaif on the sunrise each days till seven weeks without any interruption on a fixed place and selected time ,one shall try to remain in wodu and pray five time daily.

ملازمت کا بہترین عمل
5.wazifa to get job:
jo shaks beroz Gaar ho aor rozGaar kay silslay main bohot pareshaan ho to mandarja zeel Aayat wa degar kalimaat ko rozana bahd az namaz e Esha ya bahd namaz e tahajjud pabandi kay saath bila naga Bawudu 1000 baar parhay Insa’Allah tahala chand rooz kay bahd is ko mulazmat mil jahy ge aor har shks tahreef kary ga kay ya bara neek aor Gareeb hey ya Amal bara pur asar aor Teer ba Hadaf hey is kay parhnay say foran nokri mil jati hey Aadmi bay Rozgaar nahi rahta aor wo Aayaat ya hain .
الیہ المصیر ( سورۃ المؤمن آیت /1،،2،،3 ) ! حم تنزیل الکتب من اللہ العزیز العلیم ٭ عافر الذنب وقابل التوب شدید العقاب ذی الطول لا الہ الا ھو
ya parh kar pher u kahay . بسم اللہ یا ربنا تبارک حیطاتنا یس
فائدہ – Faheda –
Is Amal ki badolat behamdillah bohot loog kamyaab ho rahay hain Idhar parha Udhar mulazim ho gay lakin bahd mulazmat 40 din poray karay , aesa na karay kay darmeyaan main chorh dey balkay 40 din tak is ko aek baar zaroor parh liya karay ta kay malik ya hakim Kosh rahay pher Seft ya hey kay malik ya hakim afsar jis kay matahat aap mulazim hain bila mashwara aap kay koi kaam na karay ga aor jo Rahay aap dein gain is par Amal daramad karay ga Insa’Allah
:Start this wazaif from the new moon that would be much better after isha prayer and dont leave it in the middle,it has to be done for 40 days without any disturbance and afterwards keep it reciting in some quantity.read the above wazaif for 1000 time and after the completion 313 times,wazaif for rizq-wealth.

قرض و کشائش
6.wazifa to get a New Home:
Qarz say nijaat kay liya awwal wa akhir 11 , 11 baar dorood darmeyaan main mandarja zeel kalimaat ( 500 ) baar parh liya karain wo kalimaat ya hain _
حسبی اللہ ونعم الوکیل ( پانچ سو بار ) ۔۔ ( سورۃ التوبۃ آیت 118 )
لا حول ولا قوۃ الا باللہ ولا ملجا من اللہ الا الیہ ( پانچ سو بار ).
:To get a new home recite the following prayer 500 times daily and there will be unseen spiritual help coming to help you to get a new home very quickly.

برائے کشائش رزق
7.wazifa to bring fortune:
agr koi shaks rozi ki tangi say pareshaan hey to surah yaseen ko is tarh parhy kay shero karnay kay bahd jab pehla mubeen aahy to surah yaseen dobarah parhna shero karay isi tarh pori yaseen khatam karay ya amal aek chella yahni ( 40 ) din kary bila nagha .
:For getting wealth from unknown resource this wazaif is very powerful and has lot of powers with it,recite sura yaseen each days and when you get on the word (mubeen) start it over,there are 7 mubeens in the verses.So each time you get on the verse you have to start the surat again,this will bring unlimited wealth and fortune.

برائے کشائش رزق اور مہمات دنیاوی
8.wazeefa for wealth and richness:
har Qisam ki pareshani aor rizq ki tanggi door karnay kay liya behtar wazefa rooz marro dorood shreef aor astagfaar ka hey mukhtasir dorood shreef ya hey . اللھم صل علی سیدنا ومولانا محمد بعدد کل شئ معلوم لک ( پانچ سو بار روزانہ بعد نماز فجر )
اور استغفار یہ ھے ۔ استغفر اللہ الذی لا الہ الا ھو الحی القیوم واتوب الیہ ( پانچ سو بار روزانہ بعد نماز فجر پڑھ لیا کریں )
bahd az namaz e magrib surah waqeya aor bahd namaz esha Surah Mulk aek baar aor ( 1100 ) baar یا مغنی aor Surah Muzammil ( 11 ) baar aap ki marzi aek he waqt main ya har namaz kay bahd 2 martaba aor subah ki namaz kay bahd teen martaba itna wazefa parh liya karain dunnya ma fi ha k liya behtar hey .
:To get out of financial troubles recite the above arabic wazif for as many times as you can,there are no necessary rules,you can recite it while walking or before sleep,any time you want.the most powerful and best wazif i believe the best wazaif for rizq and you will love it when you see the results.

حصول ترقیات اور دینی ودنیوی مقاصد میں کامیابی
9.wazefa to get higer posotion:
Insaan kabi kisi musebat main phns jata hey , kabi Qariz kay bojh say halkaan ho jata hey to kabi bolahy nagahani isy chimat jati hey baz martaba isay koi Gam fikar lahaq ho jata hey in kay liya mandarja zeej asma ka parhna bohot mufeed hey in kay parhnay ki barkat say har Qisam ki muskilaat door hoti hain Qarz , bemari , Gam , fikar say chutkara naseeb hota hey lakin in ko parhtay waqt tahdaad pori pori ho kam ya zeyada na ho raat din main har rooz kisi waqt jab saholat ho parh liya karain . is ka tareqa ya hay kay
har rooz awwal wa akhir ( 111 ) baar dorood e ibrahemi namaz wala parh liya karay aor is kay darmeyaan
aek hazaar baar یا فتاح
aek hazaar baar یا وھاب
aek hazaar baar یا رزاق
aek hazaar baar یا معز
:These are four great names of god for rizq and money ,if they are recited in the given manner and recited 1100 times each in such a way that starting from first week ,take one name day by day for recitation with concentration and may continue it till 4 to 7 weeks to see visible results from this wazaif.

واسطے غنی ہونے کے :
10.wazifa to be independent:
bahd az namaz fajjar subah Qabal tolooh e aftaab kay ( 100 ) martaba parh liya karain
بسم اللہ الرحمن الرحیم سبحان اللہ وبحمدہ سبحان اللہ العلی العظیم ولا ملجا من اللہ الا الیہ
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